Geboren am 21. März 1908 auf der Frauenburg bei Unzmarkt, gestorben am 24. Juni 1979 in Semmering.

1926 Matura an der Realschule in Knittelfeld, anschliessend Gesang und Cellostudium.

1926-1927 Studium der Malerei an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien (Prof. Ferdinand Andri), zugleich Studium an der Technischen Hochschule für die Lehramtsprüfung für Darstellende Geometrie und Mathematik sowie an der Architekturabteilung (Prof. Hermann Grom-Rottmayr); überdies Gesangstudium am Wiener Konservatorium.

1933 Eintritt in den freiwilligen österreichischen Arbeitsdienst, ab 1935 Landesleiter in Salzburg.

1938-1945 Arbeitsdienst und Kriegsdienst in Frankreich, Russland und Ungarn.

1945 Gefangennahme in der CSSR, Flucht nach Kärnten, sodann nach Obertraun (Oberösterreich).

1947 Ausstellungen in Gmunden, Linz und Wels.

1948 Übersiedlung nach Semmering.

1949 Entwurf der Fatima-Kapelle in Maria-Schutz.

1950 Grafiken zum Semmering-Tunnelbau.

1951-1952 Ausstellungen in Ried, Freistadt und Wels, Festsaal in Schärding.

1952-1953 Entwürfe für die Pfarrkirche Ternitz.

1955-1956 Sonnwendsteinkapelle, Ausführung der Betonglasfenster in Schlierbach.

1959 Restaurierung der Kirchen in Schottwien und Semmering.

1962 Ausstattung der Altersheimkapelle in Gloggnitz.

1957-1979 Die Gestaltung von Mosaiken wird zum Schwerpunkt der künstlerischen Tätigkeit. In Wien und in verschiedenen Orten Niederösterreichs entstehen über 30 Mosaike.



Siegfried Koller was born March 21, 1908, at Frauenburg near Unzmarkt in the Province of Styria, Austria, and died June 24, 1979, in Semmering, Lower Austria.

1926 Graduated from Knittelfeld high school with additional credits in music for his voice and cello studies.

1927-1932 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, studied painting under Professor Ferdinand Andri. Vienna Technical University, Institute of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, received his teaching credentials and worked as assistant to Professor Krupa. During this period he also studied architecture under Professor Hermann Grom-Rottmayr and continued his music and voice studies at the Vienna Conservatory for Music.

1933 Joined the Austrian “Volunteer Work Program” and became district leader (Landesfuehrer) for the province of Salzburg.

1938–1945 Served in the German Corps of Engineers and later in the military in Poland, France and on the Russian front. Watercolor and pencil sketches of the German military advances into France and the Ukraine originated during this turbulent period.

1945 Escaped from Russian captivity and flight through Hungary and Czechoslovakia back home to Carinthia and then on to Obertraun Upper Austria.

1946 Discharged from military service by the U.S. Army Command.

1947 His landscapes and portraits shape the beginning of his postwar civilian artistic career. His works are featured in exhibitions in Gmunden, Wels and Linz.

1948 Divorced and moved to Semmering, Lower Austria.

1949 Designed the “Fatima Chapel” at Maria Schutz in Semmering.

1950 Progress sketches and pencil drawings of the Semmering railroad tunnel construction.

1951–1952 Exhibitions are held in Ried, Freistadt, Wels and Schaerding in Upper Austria.

1952–1953 Designed and created the architectural plans for the parish church in Ternitz, Lower Austria.

1953–1957 Designed and executed major restorations of churches, art objects and furnishings of a number of chapels and shrines in Maria Schutz, Sonnwendstein Chapel (concrete glass windows and altar) Semmering, Schottwien and Gloggnitz.

1957–1979 The design and installation of mosaics and murals becomes the focal point of his artistic activity during this period. More than 30 mosaics and murals are created for public and private buildings in Vienna and in the surrounding towns in Lower and Upper Austria and in his native Styria (Judenburg). This prolific creative period is interrupted by his sudden and unexpected death during the event planning for the 125th anniversary celebration of the opening of the Semmering Railroad.